Several sponsors provide prizes that will be awarded to all placed dogs in the different classes.
Click here for the list of sponsors.

All placed dogs receive a trophy.

At the Leonberger IULH World Championship Show on the 24th of June 2023 in Kristiansand, Norway.

IULH Hope – Minor puppy male and female winners.
IULH Young Promise – Puppy male and female winners.
IULH World Championship Junior Winner is awarded to the best youth male and the best youth female, chosen from youth class.
IULH World Championship Winner is awarded to the best male and the best female, chosen from intermediate, open, working and champion classes that were awarded the qualification 1° Excellent in their class.
IULH World Championship Veteran Winner is awarded to the best veteran female and the best veteran male in the veteran class.
German Leonberger Club’s CAC’s  will be  awarded in youth class, veteran class, open class, intermediate class and champion class.
Norwegian CAC..

At the Norwegian Leonberger Club’s   Winner Show, on the 25th of June 2025 on the same location.
Norwegian  CAC
German Leonberger Club’s CAC’s  will be  awarded in youth class, veteran class, open class, intermediate class and champion class.

In Norway, foreign dogs, which already have a champion title, only need 1 CAC to receive the Norwegian championship title.